New Tata Indigo eCS Cars

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New Tata Indigo eCS in February 2025 is available in 9 variants with fuel option of Diesel, Petrol. As per your requirement you can choose Tata Indigo eCS Diesel Car, Tata Indigo eCS Petrol Car. Latest Models of Tata Indigo eCS are available in 6 color options which are Mint White, Sparkling Gold, Mica Grey, Scarlet Red, Arctic Silver and Infinity Black. The base model price of Tata Indigo eCS is Rs. 5,05,977/- and Indigo eCS car top model price is Rs. 6,37,996/-. Check on road price of New Indigo eCS car in your city. Price updated on 16th February, 2025.
Variants of Tata Indigo eCS
Tata Indigo eCS GLS eMAX BS IV - Sedan 5-seater car with 1193cc engine. Manual 5 speed transmission. Gives average mileage of 24.6 km/liter. Fuel type: Petrol. Price: Rs. 5,05,977/- [Ex-showroom, Mumbai]
Tata Indigo eCS GLX BS IV - Sedan 5-seater car with 1193cc engine. Manual 5 speed transmission. Gives average mileage of km/liter. Fuel type: Petrol. Price: Rs. 5,13,531/- [Ex-showroom, Mumbai]
Tata Indigo eCS GLX eMAX BS IV - Sedan 5-seater car with 1193cc engine. Manual 5 speed transmission. Gives average mileage of 24.6 km/liter. Fuel type: Petrol. Price: Rs. 5,36,865/- [Ex-showroom, Mumbai]
Tata Indigo eCS GVX BS IV - Sedan 5-seater car with 1193cc engine. Manual 5 speed transmission. Gives average mileage of km/liter. Fuel type: Petrol. Price: Rs. 5,42,904/- [Ex-showroom, Mumbai]
Tata Indigo eCS LS CR4 BS IV - Sedan 5-seater car with 1396cc engine. Manual 5 speed transmission. Gives average mileage of km/liter. Fuel type: Diesel. Price: Rs. 5,75,328/- [Ex-showroom, Mumbai]
Tata Indigo eCS LS TDi BS III - Sedan 5-seater car with 1405cc engine. Manual 5 speed transmission. Gives average mileage of km/liter. Fuel type: Diesel. Price: Rs. 5,33,902/- [Ex-showroom, Mumbai]
Tata Indigo eCS LX CR4 BS IV - Sedan 5-seater car with 1396cc engine. Manual 5 speed transmission. Gives average mileage of km/liter. Fuel type: Diesel. Price: Rs. 5,89,818/- [Ex-showroom, Mumbai]
Tata Indigo eCS LX TDi BS III - Sedan 5-seater car with 1405cc engine. Manual 5 speed transmission. Gives average mileage of km/liter. Fuel type: Diesel. Price: Rs. 5,71,220/- [Ex-showroom, Mumbai]
Tata Indigo eCS VX CR4 BS IV - Sedan 5-seater car with 1396cc engine. Manual 5 speed transmission. Gives average mileage of km/liter. Fuel type: Diesel. Price: Rs. 6,37,996/- [Ex-showroom, Mumbai]

Tata Indigo eCS

When the sedan market in India was booming up, Tata Motors also wanted to grab a place & wanted to be ahead of its competitors. Generally a sedan is 4 or greater than 4 meter in length but Tata wanted to recast this trend by launching a sedan with a length of less than 4 meter. All this gave birth to Indigo.With certain modifications, the car was re-launched as Tata Indigo eCS. At the time whe... Read More

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